LongmeadowBuzz is a moderated forum with contributing participants being “respected” members of our community including both town residents as well as school, business and government officials. The LongmeadowBuzz blog allows only approved contributors to initiate new subjects (without moderation) and each contributor is asked to post under their real name. Most participants understand what is acceptable content for posting on this type of forum and that abuses will not be tolerated.
The high school building project has created a large amount of heated discussion- much of which has appeared here on the LongmeadowBuzz blog. Most recently, a number of postings by Jerold Duquette have crossed the line with regard to respect for the opinions of others. Mr. Duquette has been warned a number of times about the content of his postings- most recently about two weeks ago.
For this reason I have deleted Mr. Duquette’s latest posting and have removed his author privileges so that he will no longer be able to post in the future. In response I’m sure that Mr. Duquette will “discuss” my actions on the MassLive forum….. just look for the JeroldDuquette handle if you are interested in reading his commentary.
I believe that his abusive verbal bullying has actually discouraged people from expressing their opinion on LongmeadowBuzz. I'm hoping that my actions will encourage others to step up and express their opinions- both for and against the school building project. If you are interested in participating on LongmeadowBuzz, please send an email to longmeadowbuzz@comcast.net.
I do not support your refusal to allow Jerold Duquette's opinions to appear on Longmeadow Buzz. This seems to be an arbitrary and capricious act on your part.
Perhaps, you have been caught up in the rhetoric of the local campaign to the point where you are not your reasonable, common sense, self.
I urge you to reconsider.
Thank you for your community work.
John J. Fitzgerald
I'm sorry that you do not support my actions.
As you know Mr. Duquette's many opinions on various subjects including those about the High School Building project are well documented here on this blog. In addition, his recent campaigning/ support for Christine Swanson have also been very visible.
Interestingly enough, he is outraged when I also use this blog to voice my opinion and my support for Mark Gold. My posting history has clearly not always be neutral.
The primary purpose of the LongmeadowBuzz blog is for respectful and thoughtful discussion of local topics/issues by any town resident or employee who asks to do so as long as he/she does not resort to personal attack. Bobby Barkett- Select Board chair, during Monday's SB meeting asked that all town residents respect each other during the current election season where so much is at stake and the discussions can become quite heated. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion.
Mr. Duquette's track record is one that if someone disagrees with him he resorts to all sorts of personal attacks. That sort of behavior actually dissuades participation by many people for fear of verbal bullying. Based upon his track record and postings on the MassLive Longmeadow forum, I had been very uncomfortable with allowing him unmoderated posting privileges that you also enjoy.
It's too bad that Mr. Duquette doesn't understand what I am trying to do here on this blog. A number of his most recent posts would certainly not be published in Springfield Republican newspaper. He had been warned a number of times about his commentary but obviously decided not to change.
His inflammatory rhetoric and personal attacks on specific individuals does not reflect very well on Longmeadow and its residents. That is why I have revoked his privileges.
I believe that his behavior here and in many public appearances is not a very good role model for the youth in our town.
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