Monday, June 7, 2010

Tomorrow is Election Day

Select Board Race

School Committee Race

High School Building Project

A couple of comments...

  • About two months ago, I wrote a article entitled- A “sign” of things to come…. in which I wrote:

    "Let’s hope that town voters are smarter than that and will make informed decisions based upon knowledge of the candidates and/or issues rather than relying upon sign counts."

    Little did I realize how prophetic that would be.... a person would think driving today through Longmeadow based upon lawn signs that the vote tomorrow on the high school project will be unanimous since you cannot find very many "NO" signs and "YES" are prolific throughout the town. Of course, we know that many NO signs were stolen in the past few weeks so lawn sign counts are likely to be representative of the overall sentiment.

  • The high school building project has been particularly ugly from both sides. Let's hope that no matter what the outcome tomorrow that both the winners and losers can accept the democratic outcome and our town can move forward.

I have spent considerable time learning about the candidates and the high school building project and have already filled in my ballot (see below).

[click to enlarge and print]

1 comment:

G. A. Nolet said...

Non-Partisan Election

Excellent choice of candidates with the critical skills needed to guide us through the next several years.

Hopefully, everyone will vote in a non-partisan fashion because it is important to elect candidates with experience, knowledge and balance to meet all tax payer needs.

The community cannot afford "on the job training" when running a 50+ million dollar business.

G. A. Nolet