Longmeadow’s Annual Town Elections will be held on
Tuesday, June 10. The only contested race is for
School Committee for which there are three open seats and there are six candidates running.
With a large number of important issues including adequate funding of school services and the possible renovation/ construction of a new high school facing both our town and schools, it is essential that we elect qualified people who can meet these challenges.
For the past couple of weeks
LongmeadowBiz has sponsored a Meet the School Committee Candidates
forum wherein each of the candidates provided a biosketch and answers to four questions. We hope that town residents have taken the time to review this information.
In addition,
LongmeadowBuzz invited each of the six SC candidates to post information of interest to voters but only one candidate has so far taken that opportunity. Hopefully, as the election draws closer, we hope that we will see some commentary by the other five candidates. Comments to postings on the LongmeadowBuzz can be made by anyone with a Google account.
Additional information is available for anyone interested in contributing to LongmeadowBuzz.

This coming week there are two debates with the candidates that are geared to providing town voters with additional information to make an informed vote on June 10. These events include:
June 4/ 7 PM:
Face-to-face debate LIVE on
LCTV- channel 12- moderated by Arlene Miller. Rebroadcast on June 5 at 7 PM, June 7 at 2 PM and June 8 at 5:30 PM. A web replay of this debate will also be available on the
LongmeadowBuzz blog- by June 7.
June 6/ 2 PM- Greenwood Park Center/ Longmeadow Adult Center- Face-to-face debate moderated by Patricia Camerota
Please take the time to become an informed voter and then stop by the Longmeadow Community House between 8 am and 8 pm to cast your vote. If you cannot make it on election day, stop by the Town Hall before noontime on June 9 and cast your absentee ballot.
Let’s get a 50% voter turnout for this important election.