Longmeadow’s Annual Town Elections will be held on Tuesday, June 11.
The only contested race is for Select Board for which there are three open seats and three candidates running. Incumbents Mark Gold and Mark Barowsky will be running against newcomer Alex Grant for the two 3 year seats on the SB.
Newcomers Kimberly King and Janet Robinson will run unopposed for the two 3 year seats on the School Committee. Current SC members Gerard Kiernan and Jennifer Jester will be not be running for re-election.
LongmeadowBiz is inviting each of the three SB candidates to post information of interest to voters on this LongmeadowBuzz blog. Hopefully, as the election draws closer, this forum will become a means to discuss important issues related to the election. Mr. Grant has already accepted this invitation.
Comments to postings on LongmeadowBuzz can be made by anyone with a Google account. Additional information is available for anyone interested in contributing to LongmeadowBuzz.
With a large number of important issues facing our town including adequate funding of school services as well as infrastructure improvements (roads, sewers, storm drains, DPW facility, etc.), it is essential that we elect qualified people to the Select Board and School Committee who can meet these challenges.