Saturday, May 18, 2024

JJ Rodriguez- Candidate for Election- Longmeadow School Committee

Candidates for Select Board and School Committee in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11 were asked to provide their election profile and answer a series of questions so that town voters would be better informed about their candidacy. The following information was submitted to LongmeadowBuzz blog by Jose J. Rodriguez- a candidate for election to the Longmeadow School Committee. 


My name is Jose J Rodriguez familiarly known as “JJ” and am running for a seat on the Longmeadow District School Committee in the June 11 election. There are three candidates running for two seats which is why I’d like to introduce myself and let you know how I can contribute to our school’s successes.

I grew up in New York City and experienced public and private school education. I knew at an early age that if I wanted to survive my environment, I needed to follow a path of learning and self improvement. Luckily I was inspired by an educator who taught me that my success depended on my own resolve. In pursuit thereof, I became a computer programmer in the era of Honeywell and Univac systems while I worked on my BA in political science. I graduated Magna Cum Laude and subsequently earned my Juris Doctor. I practiced law for a number of years until I was recruited by the US Secret Service as a special agent. I was assigned to detect and suppress counterfeit currency in the Central and South American regions as well as throughout the Caribbean. I conducted advances and assisted in providing 360 degree security for political candidates during campaigns as well as foreign dignitaries visiting the U.S. (ie: Kings and Queens, the Pope, Prime Ministers and others). I participated in an ad hoc committee to review the agency’s hiring practices in an effort to eliminate discrimination and biases in the testing, interviews and other hiring procedures. As a result, numerous revisions were implemented and the agency has since evolved into a more diverse and inclusive organization. Subsequently, while detailed to Washington, DC, I created a nationwide community outreach effort to include a volunteer college student internship program allowing agencies to expose their mission to potential candidates albeit in a subdued security state.

I retired and eleven years ago my wife (Mirta your USPS Postmaster) and I decided to raise our infant twin boys (now in Williams Middle School) here in Longmeadow. I coached little league baseball and pee wee football. I am now a photography enthusiast dedicated to taking action pics of our youth’s games and publishing them for parents and players to download freely as keepsakes. I became involved in town meetings and election processes. I have since chaired the town’s Rules Committee and under my direction it has researched, studied and recommended the implementation of our electronic voting system. I have served as your interim Town Clerk when the previous clerk unexpectedly resigned. I can safely confirm that we kept the ship afloat and on its azimuth until the current Town Clerk was appointed. I currently serve on the Greater Springfield Senior Services Board of Directors an organization dedicated to providing essential services, assistance and support to a number of Western Mass communities to include Longmeadow.

My travels throughout the US and many other countries exposed me to a myriad of challenges and obstacles that have honed my ability to support the needs, wants and best interests of my “protectee” and my community.

In this case my “protectee” is my school district. My goal is to:

  • ensure the integrity of our school system by providing students, teachers, staff and employees all the necessary resources to help them achieve their goals and objectives
  • ensure the safety and security of all our students and faculty
  • provide a voice for all who wish to be heard
  • welcome, support and implement positive change

My ultimate goal is to inspire at least one student to pursue their passion and dreams. Our district enjoys a strong reputation of a leading academic program and it is my intention to continue this trend.

Please join me on June 11 and vote for a voice, vote for integrity, vote for a candidate with a positive attitude and broad perspective. 

On June 11, vote for a candidate with a positive attitude and broad perspective – vote for JJ Rodriguez (Jose J Rodriguez) on the ballot.

Please donate using this QR code. All contributions will be used exclusively for campaign expenses.