Use a Massachusetts ParksPass
Did you know that the Storrs Library – Longmeadow is a participant in the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation Annual ParksPass program? The program provides passes for free admittance to one vehicle for day use of State parks, forests and beaches.
Did you know that the Storrs Library – Longmeadow is a participant in the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation Annual ParksPass program? The program provides passes for free admittance to one vehicle for day use of State parks, forests and beaches.
The library has two passes available for checkout. Library patrons can checkout a pass just like a book. The loan period for the pass is three days. There is a $1.00 per day late fee. Passes must be returned to the circulation desk (not deposited in the book drops). If lost, the patron will be responsible for the replacement cost of $35.00. Passes can be picked up at the circulation desk.
If you are planning a staycation – a stay at home vacation, this is a great way to enjoy area attractions and plan exciting day trips.