Monday, August 12, 2019
Newsletter from the Select Board Chair- 8-12-19
This semi-monthly newsletter was submitted by Marie Angelides, current Chair, Longmeadow Select Board in an effort to provide better communications with town residents.
On August 20th at 7:00 in the high school gym, Longmeadow will have a special town meeting. The Select Board received a citizen’s petition for special town meeting to present a new zoning by law to prohibit the building of utility facilities in a residential zone and to tie the by law passed in the spring town meeting to the Longmeadow’s existing by laws. The spring citizen’s by law required monitoring and testing around any facilities built in residential zones. These by laws are written by and presented by citizens. They do not go into effect until they are approved by the Attorney General’s municipal unit. The May by law is still being reviewed by the Attorney General’s office. Zoning by laws will become effective as of the date of the town vote if approved by the AG’s office. Another article on the Special town meeting warrant involves funding of the lowering of the speed bump on Williams Street pedestrian crossing. In the past six months the cost has doubled to implement changes. The town will decide whether to appropriate the funds to lower the elevation of the speed bump.
Longmeadow town residents can go to NEDT at 190 East Main St in Westfield to dispose of hazardous materials. We are no longer participating in the program in Wilbraham. You will need proof of residency and cannot be a business. Go to for hours and acceptable materials.
The plastic bag ban is in effect. Be sure to bring your shopping bags to any stores in Longmeadow.
The Select Board is working with the Department Heads, a legal team, and an expert to assess the issues and authorities surrounding the building of a Metering Station at the Longmeadow Country Club.
The Search committee is reviewing applications and will be interviewing right after Labor Day. We hope to begin the Select Board interviews by the end of September. Jay Moynihan is our interim town manager. He is available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
The DPW and the Adult Center have begun the pouring of the foundations. The DPW project was substantially delayed due to a serious asbestos problem. We have been working with the DEP and the remediation of the problem is almost complete. This is the reason the projects are almost on the same time schedule. The remediation was an expensive project, but doing it correctly was necessary to correct a hazardous condition in our town.
You should file your complaints and concerns online. A record is kept of when the call came in and when the issue is resolved. The data collected on what complaints are received and when they are resolved is reported to the Department Head, the Town Manager, and the Select Board. It is also the best way to assess if there is a growing problem in an area. Go to Register and file the complaint. The whole process should take less than 5 minutes. You will receive confirmation emails that track the progress of the response. If you have difficulties with the program you can ask for assistance at the Adult Center or Library. If you have a problem with a tree be sure to include your phone number and the location of the tree.
MAPLE ROAD SHOP- at Greenwood Center on Maple Road
Sale!! 50% off all items except for greeting cards on September 20th. Open every weekday 9 to 3. You can find amazing bargains on household items, clothing, and greeting cards. Proceeds to support the Adult Center programming.
Longmeadow Shops: Tuesdays 1-7 Batch Ice Cream Truck/ Thursdays 12-6 Farmers Market
Marie Angelides, Chair, Longmeadow Select Board
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