Monday, November 10, 2014

Longmeadow Needs a Fire Ladder Truck

The Longmeadow Fire Department does not have a ladder fire truck. When a fire requires aerial firefighting capabilities or a rescue that cannot be safely accomplished with a ladder leaning against the burning structure, the department must call on a neighboring community’s fire department to respond with their ladder truck. A year and a half ago during the major house fire on Frank Smith Road the response time was 20 minutes.

Not having a ladder truck puts our residents and firefighters at risk. Several years ago a firefighter fell through the roof fighting a fire. Longmeadow has several large structures in town that require aerial fighting capabilities from the churches to the various public and private schools. We also have several institutions in town that require special care in responding to fires such as Bay Path University, Jewish Geriatric Nursing Home, and Glen Meadows. Each of these institutions has pledged funds towards the purchase of a ladder truck. 

The last warrant article at the Town Meeting will be the purchase of the ladder truck for the fire department using the Fire Truck Fund, the pledges from town residents and organizations, and free cash.  

Please come to town meeting on Tuesday, November 18th at 7 PM and have your voice heard on the purchase of this vital piece of firefighting equipment.

Marie Angelides/ Longmeadow

Below is the STM warrant article #18

ARTICLE 18.                                                           Citizen Petition

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the purchase of the Quint Fire Truck, an aerial firefighting apparatus with ladder capabilities at the cost of $752,000.00, or a greater or lesser sum, using the fire truck funds, previously approved by Town Meeting for the purchase of a fire truck, pledged donations and certified free cash expected to be $262,000.00, or a greater or lesser sum, or take any other action relative thereto.  

To request the purchase of the Quint Fire Truck, an aerial Firefighting Apparatus, which includes a ladder, during the fall 2014 special meeting. The truck will be purchased using the Fire Truck Fund, the special donations that have been pledged and the balance to be paid for with the certified free cash.