Sunday, June 9, 2024

Steven Weiss Endorses Dr. Andrew Lam for Select Board

The following endorsement letter was submitted to the LongmeadowBuzz blog by Steven Weiss, Current Chair, Longmeadow Community Preservation Committee.


Steven Weiss

I am writing to endorse Andrew Lam for a seat on the Longmeadow Select Board. I’ve resided in town for almost 38 years, and I’ve known Andrew for about 15 years.  I first met him when we were on the Longmeadow Historical Commission.  He helped expand the historic district by five houses.  He was also dedicated to saving and restoring the Brewer-Young mansion.  At the time, it was literally falling down. That landmark home is now once again a showpiece in the center of town. 

I’ve also worked with Andrew on town business, while he has served on the Finance Committee and I’ve been chair of the Community Preservation Committee. He’s knowledgeable about the issues, and knows how to work with other constituencies in town to get the best results.

Andrew is a doctor, a husband and father of four, and an author.  Andrew has enormous energy, and is unequivocally dedicated to the Town of Longmeadow.  I can’t think of more qualified person to be on our Select Board.

Steven Weiss
Longmeadow Resident

Saturday, May 18, 2024

JJ Rodriguez- Candidate for Election- Longmeadow School Committee

Candidates for Select Board and School Committee in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11 were asked to provide their election profile and answer a series of questions so that town voters would be better informed about their candidacy. The following information was submitted to LongmeadowBuzz blog by Jose J. Rodriguez- a candidate for election to the Longmeadow School Committee. 


My name is Jose J Rodriguez familiarly known as “JJ” and am running for a seat on the Longmeadow District School Committee in the June 11 election. There are three candidates running for two seats which is why I’d like to introduce myself and let you know how I can contribute to our school’s successes.

I grew up in New York City and experienced public and private school education. I knew at an early age that if I wanted to survive my environment, I needed to follow a path of learning and self improvement. Luckily I was inspired by an educator who taught me that my success depended on my own resolve. In pursuit thereof, I became a computer programmer in the era of Honeywell and Univac systems while I worked on my BA in political science. I graduated Magna Cum Laude and subsequently earned my Juris Doctor. I practiced law for a number of years until I was recruited by the US Secret Service as a special agent. I was assigned to detect and suppress counterfeit currency in the Central and South American regions as well as throughout the Caribbean. I conducted advances and assisted in providing 360 degree security for political candidates during campaigns as well as foreign dignitaries visiting the U.S. (ie: Kings and Queens, the Pope, Prime Ministers and others). I participated in an ad hoc committee to review the agency’s hiring practices in an effort to eliminate discrimination and biases in the testing, interviews and other hiring procedures. As a result, numerous revisions were implemented and the agency has since evolved into a more diverse and inclusive organization. Subsequently, while detailed to Washington, DC, I created a nationwide community outreach effort to include a volunteer college student internship program allowing agencies to expose their mission to potential candidates albeit in a subdued security state.

I retired and eleven years ago my wife (Mirta your USPS Postmaster) and I decided to raise our infant twin boys (now in Williams Middle School) here in Longmeadow. I coached little league baseball and pee wee football. I am now a photography enthusiast dedicated to taking action pics of our youth’s games and publishing them for parents and players to download freely as keepsakes. I became involved in town meetings and election processes. I have since chaired the town’s Rules Committee and under my direction it has researched, studied and recommended the implementation of our electronic voting system. I have served as your interim Town Clerk when the previous clerk unexpectedly resigned. I can safely confirm that we kept the ship afloat and on its azimuth until the current Town Clerk was appointed. I currently serve on the Greater Springfield Senior Services Board of Directors an organization dedicated to providing essential services, assistance and support to a number of Western Mass communities to include Longmeadow.

My travels throughout the US and many other countries exposed me to a myriad of challenges and obstacles that have honed my ability to support the needs, wants and best interests of my “protectee” and my community.

In this case my “protectee” is my school district. My goal is to:

  • ensure the integrity of our school system by providing students, teachers, staff and employees all the necessary resources to help them achieve their goals and objectives
  • ensure the safety and security of all our students and faculty
  • provide a voice for all who wish to be heard
  • welcome, support and implement positive change

My ultimate goal is to inspire at least one student to pursue their passion and dreams. Our district enjoys a strong reputation of a leading academic program and it is my intention to continue this trend.

Please join me on June 11 and vote for a voice, vote for integrity, vote for a candidate with a positive attitude and broad perspective. 

On June 11, vote for a candidate with a positive attitude and broad perspective – vote for JJ Rodriguez (Jose J Rodriguez) on the ballot.

Please donate using this QR code. All contributions will be used exclusively for campaign expenses.



Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Mary Keane- Candidate for Re-Election- Longmeadow School Committee

Candidates for Select Board and School Committee in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11 were asked to provide their election profile and answer a series of questions so that town voters would be better informed about their candidacy. Mary Keane current Vice-chair of the Longmeadow School Committee and listed on the June 11 Election Ballot asked to share the following letters to town residents/ voters


Dear Fellow Longmeadow Residents,

Serving on the Longmeadow School Committee for the past three years has been both challenging and rewarding! I had hoped to continue to serve in this capacity for another term, but I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. My treatment plan is intensive, but expected outcomes are very good.

I am sad to let you know that I will not be able to commit to fulfilling School Committee duties during treatment. At this point in the election process, the ballots have been sent to the printer, and my name will appear. If elected, I will need to withdraw. I am so appreciative of your support, and I deeply regret that I will be unable to serve another term.

I do have two requests.

  1. At the Town Meeting on May 14th, please vote in support of the warrant article directed toward funding an elementary literacy curriculum. The current literacy program used by LPS no longer meets the needs of students based on a compelling body of research about how students learn to read. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education supports the need for districts to move away from the approach currently used by LPS and to adopt a program grounded in the Science of Reading. In my time on the Committee, I have strongly advocated for research-based literacy instruction that will set students up for future academic success. Please vote yes on this warrant.

  2. If you or someone you know is due for a mammogram, please schedule your appointment. My cancer was detected by a regular screening mammogram. I do not feel sick. If not for a routine mammogram, I would not know that I have cancer.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent our community on the Longmeadow School Committee for these past three years.

All my best,
Mary Keane 

Andrew Lam- Candidate for Election- Longmeadow Select Board

Candidates for Select Board and School Committee in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11 were asked to provide their election profile and answer a series of questions so that town voters would be better informed about their candidacy. The following information was submitted to LongmeadowBuzz blog by Andrew Lam- a candidate for election to the Longmeadow Select Board.


Dr. Andrew Lam

I moved to Longmeadow in 2008. My wife Christina and I have four children, three of whom are currently in Longmeadow schools. Professionally, I am a retina surgeon and an author. I am the senior partner at New England Retina Consultants, an attending surgeon at Baystate Medical Center, and assistant professor at UMass Medical School.

Before settling in Longmeadow, I grew up in Springfield, Illinois. I went to Yale for a degree in history, and then completed medical school at the University of Pennsylvania.

Since moving to Longmeadow, I have been dedicated to serving our town in ways that reflect my passions for municipal finance, schools and education, and historic preservation. My service includes:

  • Finance Committee (2014-2023), past chair
  • Historical Commission (2010-2014)
  • Historic District Commission (2010-2014)
  • Center School Council (2010-2014)
  • Bay Path University Board of Trustees (2018-present), chair of the academic committee

In 2018, I led the effort to save and restore the Brewer-Young Mansion on the green.

Politically I am a registered Independent. I feel this puts me in the best position to consider all viewpoints objectively and always vote for simply what I think is right. I am a fierce advocate for prudent fiscal management, diversity and inclusion, educational excellence, healthcare access, and environmental conservation. I am a prolific writer of articles on topics as varied as history, race/anti-racism, migrant crises, the importance of science and vaccinations, and government spending that have appeared in both the national and regional media. You can view some of these articles at

As an author I have written four books: Saving Sight, about my surgical career; Two Sons of China and Repentance, both novels of WWII; and The Masters of Medicine

Why are you running for Select Board?

I have always had an innate desire to contribute to my community that—in Longmeadow—has been amplified by my deep gratitude and affection for the friends, neighbors, and teachers that have helped me raise my four children in a wonderfully nurturing and inclusive environment. My in-laws also live in town, so there are three generations of my family here, and this has given me important perspective on the needs and priorities of each demographic cohort in town. I would like to use my experience and skills to help make Longmeadow’s next decade even stronger than the last.

What are your qualifications including relevant experience?

I believe I have the experience, commitment, and vision to help lead Longmeadow well.

Experience – In my 9 years on the Finance Committee I scrutinized 9 annual budgets and helped maximize the cost effectiveness of every major project we undertook. This includes maximizing the value of money spent on big projects like the DPW Facility and Adult Center, as well as smaller projects like sewer work and vehicles for the police and fire departments. I am known for asking tough questions to ensure we are getting all the necessary information and considering the best options before a project is approved. It is easy to want new projects to be done, but more important to make sure they are done well and cost efficiently.

The Finance Committee and Select Board are often presented with proposals, such as new playgrounds, for example, which we are told might cost $1.5 million. But if you are doing a home renovation project, you don’t just say, “I want a new kitchen,” and pay whatever the first contractor bids, right? You get multiple bids, sometimes adjust the scope of the project, and think hard about what is a need or a want. I may need new appliances, but perhaps, upon reflection after seeing the cost, realize changing the cabinets are not that critical and we can save a lot of money if we keep the ones we have. It can be similar with municipal projects, but we need people willing to dig into such things and often ask the tough questions in the interest of the town. To be frank—I really like doing this. Seriously. It’s fun for me.

If I serve on the Select Board, I will bring strong institutional knowledge about how our town government functions. I always ask the tough questions. I follow through, sometimes years later, to make sure what we approved happened and the town got what it paid for. It often takes people who have that experience and knowledge to remember what we’ve done in the past. I am diligent and dogged in my desire to ensure value for every tax dollar and I have always treated our town’s money with the same care and meticulousness as I do my own.

Commitment – In everything I seek to do I give it 110%, whether it’s in my medical career, as a writer of books and articles, and in my community service. Almost from the moment I arrived in town, I started volunteering—as a soccer coach, at my church, and with the Cub Scouts. I served on boards like the Historical Commission, Center School Council, and Bay Path Board of Trustees. In doing these things I was merely following my own interests and passions, and if I’m not on the Select Board I will still find many ways to serve our community.

Vision – I spend time looking at our town holistically and thinking about what we will want it to look like in 10 or 15 years. Since I’ve lived here, we’ve made impressive improvements including a new high school, DPW Facility, and Adult Center. We restored the dilapidated Brewer-Young Mansion, an iconic building in our town. All of this took vision. Ten years from now we will have a new middle school. If it is placed at the Williams School location, we will have to decide what to do with the Glenbrook location. I would like us to strongly consider both a 55-and-over community residential development and a park. I am in favor of finding ways to help seniors stay in Longmeadow, the town they love, without the stress and higher property taxes associated with owning a larger home. Such a development would raise revenue for Longmeadow, and seniors do not have young children that will add burden and expense to our schools.

What are the key challenges facing Longmeadow as a community?

I believe the most important role of a Select Board member is as a fiduciary. This is because everything I advocate for, including our kids, our schools, our seniors, our parks, my desire to promote renewable energy—all of it depends on fiscal stability and strength. We will always require careful fiscal management to accomplish all that we aspire to do for our community.

Yet we find ourselves in very challenging fiscal times. We are a town that is entirely built out with few businesses to help mitigate the tax burden falling to homeowners. The state-mandated tax ceiling continues to loom over us and limits our ability to raise revenue. Yet our budgets inexorably rise due to contractual obligations to employees, rising healthcare costs, and inflation. We face the prospect of building a new middle school that will cost well over $100 million in a high-interest environment that will make debt service an increasing portion of our budget.

Navigating these challenges requires prudent fiscal management, setting of priorities, and often, tough choices—exactly the kind of choices I helped make on the Finance Committee that allowed us to remain under the tax ceiling while retaining level town services. We even managed to enhance students’ experiences with initiatives like free kindergarten, a high school internship program, and new playgrounds—all while also undertaking major building projects like the Adult Center and DPW Facility. Our careful fiscal planning helped Longmeadow finally lose its position as the town with the highest tax rate in the state, an undesirable label it had held for many years.

But the tax ceiling issue has not gone away and will probably remain our greatest challenge in the years ahead. We will also need to wisely manage the new middle school project, continue to defend our town concerning the Eversource natural gas pipeline project, and certainly focus on improving our roads.

How would you propose to resolve these issues?

We will need to monitor the tax rate and if we approach the tax ceiling (as we have in years past) we will have to triage our priorities in every department each year. It is far better to make slow, judicious adjustments than to hit the fiscal cliff which would necessitate drastic cuts and dozens of abrupt employee layoffs which I feel would damage Longmeadow’s reputation a great deal. This would show poor management and become very visible in our schools which would reduce newcomers’ desire to move here and hurt our property values. The state-mandated tax ceiling is not something our town can vote to become exempt from. Unless there is a legislative “fix” and change in state law, something we know from our legislators is very unlikely, we have no choice but to manage our budgets carefully going forward.

Though expensive, the middle school project is necessary and very important. Making this investment, and ensuring state funding of up to half the cost, is vital to keeping Longmeadow one of the most desirable places to live in Western Massachusetts—which supports our property values and results in stable tax revenue. It is important to make correct strategic decisions like this to ensure our town remains in a virtuous upward spiral, in which we move from strength to strength and enjoy a rising tide that lifts our whole community—especially the caliber of our schools and infrastructure. We learned a great deal from building our high school a decade ago, and we must utilize the experience of those in our town government who remember those lessons and can help us optimize—and avoid missteps in—the construction of a new middle school.

Defending Longmeadow against the gas pipeline project requires ongoing vigilance in a legal battle that is sometimes glacial and always frustrating. We must continually reassess our position with regard to our goals and legal fees, and, when necessary, do our utmost to attain mitigation of any adverse impact such a pipeline may have on our community.

Finally, we need to prioritize our roads and infrastructure, including building maintenance. The challenge of government is that we are perpetually trying to allocate scarce resources, and prioritizing a goal such as this usually requires shifting funds from other, equally virtuous, initiatives. These challenges will not abate, but if I am a member of the Select Board, I pledge to always use my best judgment, informed by my experience, to help Longmeadow provide the greatest good to the greatest number of our citizens—so that we may look back ten years from now with pride at how much we have accomplished for our town.

Check out my Facebook Election Page -->
Thank you for reading my Election Profile.  I would very much appreciate your support and vote at the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11. Voting will take place at the Longmeadow Community- polls are open from 7 am - 8 pm.


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Leah Peterson- Candidate for Election- Longmeadow Select Board

Candidates for Select Board and School Committee in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11 were asked to provide their election profile and answer a series of questions so that town voters would be better informed about their candidacy.  The following information was submitted to LongmeadowBuzz blog by Leah Peterson- a candidate for election to the Longmeadow Select Board.


Leah Peterson- Candidate for SB

Why are you running for Select Board?

I grew up in Longmeadow and have been fortunate to experience the idyllic childhood and exceptional education that Longmeadow and our public school system provide. From riding my bike to Center School through my time as captain of the LHS girls track team, this community has given me so much. I want to give back and help ensure that this truly unique community will be enjoyed by future generations.

Many of my fondest childhood memories were formed because Longmeadow is a safe, tight-knit community that empowers children to be independent from a young age. My husband, Erik, and I have three preschool and elementary aged children. So, I am very passionate about the future of our town, and I want to provide my children with the education, historical beauty, and green spaces that I enjoyed growing up. 

As the daughter of a Springfield school teacher and small business owner, I witnessed my parents work hard to provide my brothers and me with the best opportunities. My parents still reside in my childhood home, and I want them to continue to enjoy their retirement here while managing the challenges of living on a fixed income. This puts me in the unique position to understand the multi-generational needs of our community. With three generations of my family here, I am extremely vested in how the future of this town will impact all residents. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the community I love!

What are your qualifications including relevant experience?

Since graduating from Longmeadow High, I earned my Bachelor of Science from Wentworth Institute of Technology, Master of Business Administration from Bay Path (of course), worked for MassMutual, and currently work as an executive in the financial services industry.

My professional experience has been focused on leadership of multi-million dollar technology and business transformations, mergers and acquisitions, and strategy development across various lines of business. My career exposes me to so many different challenges and I have developed skills that will be an asset on the Select Board: 
  • Long-term strategic planning and prioritization of large portfolios; focusing resources on the most impactful work
  • Breaking down complex problems and building business cases to achieve strategic goals
  • Enabling cross-disciplinary collaboration; giving voice to and trusting the expertise of others
  • Leading both direct reports and indirect cross-functional teams
  • Recruiting and retaining high-performing talent
  • Assessing and complying with evolving regulatory obligations
  • Managing multi-million dollar project budgets
As a leader in environmental stewardship, I have firsthand experience developing sustainability strategies and programs. So, I am especially excited about how these skills will help ensure that the town is climate-conscious in all its decisions.

What are the key challenges facing Longmeadow as a community?

Maintaining the town infrastructure requires strategic planning and the town has kicked the can on many important areas for too long: 
  • Our roads are in terrible shape and our current approach is not getting the job done
  • The town buildings are aging and, in some cases, no longer fit for purpose
  • Continuous water main breaks are disruptive to many residents and costly for all of us
  •  Some of the fields and parks our children play on are in need of upgrades and repairs 
Any parent whose child has attended Glenbrook Middle School will tell you the same thing, “it has no walls!” So, the new middle school project is much needed and is an exciting opportunity for the town to provide our children with a safe and effective learning environment. 

The proposed construction of the Tennessee Gas meter station and Eversource gas pipeline conflict with environmental sustainability and introduce unnecessary risk to our community.

How would you propose to resolve the top 3 issues?

Infrastructure: Long-range financial planning to repair and maintain our infrastructure properly so we do not leave this problem for future generations. Reduction/consolidation of town facilities to optimize use and reduce operational cost burden.

Middle School: I attended the middle school visioning session and learned so much from fellow residents about their hopes for the future of our schools. Our school system is a leading differentiator for attracting new families, so the decisions we make here are vital to the future of Longmeadow. Having Select Board members with children who will attend the new middle school will be an asset to the process ahead. I will engage with residents on this issues and represent their voice at the Select Board meetings.

Pipeline Project: I support Longmeadow’s on-going litigation with Eversource to block the pipeline project. I do not believe Eversource has articulated reasonable cause for pipeline redundancy as they have not analyzed alternative options for gas disruption (such as temporarily delivering to the affected areas) within their proposal. I will continue to advocate for the safety and the well being of our community.

I am running to represent all residents and I want to hear about what is important to you, so please reach out with any questions or ideas via email: or at my Facebook page: Leah Peterson, candidate for Longmeadow Select Board.

Thank you for dedicating time to learn about why I am running and I hope you will vote Leah Peterson for Select Board on June 11th at the Longmeadow Community House.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Josh Levine- Candidate for Re-election to the Longmeadow Select Board

Candidates for Select Board and School Committee in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on June 11 were asked to provide their election profile and answer a series of questions so that town voters would be better informed about their candidacy.  The following information was submitted to LongmeadowBuzz blog by Joshua Levine- a candidate for relection to the Longmeadow Select Board.


Josh Levine

Why are you running (again) for Select Board?

I have lived in town since 2018 with my wife Katie and three children currently attending Center School. We love Longmeadow’s vibrant and welcoming community and I want to continue the good work I have been doing for the past 3 years to keep it that way.

Being a Select Board member (as with any town position) requires a lot of learning on the job, and there is a real value in keeping experience on the board as new members learn the ropes. My position on the SB also allows me to serve as a voting member of the Middle School Building Committee, which is currently very active.

What are your qualifications including relevant experience?

I am a solo attorney in East Longmeadow with experience in real estate, estate planning, and litigation. All of my practice areas are helpful in my work on the Select Board, some in surprising ways.

For real estate, I bring a lawyer’s perspective on contracts for the town and help strengthen our negotiating positions. I also help our residents buy and sell homes every day and hear firsthand that our schools and green spaces are what brings new folks to town.

For estate planning, I work with clients to consider the legacy they want to leave for their children. I think of our town in the same way - I want to make sure to leave it in a better condition than when I arrived.

My litigation experience helps the Select Board behind the scenes, as I am able to ask probing questions of our outside counsel and assess situations with an experienced eye.

Also, with a term on the SB under my belt and a prior stint on the Planning Board, I have learned a lot from my fellow members, town officials, and other volunteers, and I want to use that knowledge going forward.

What are the key challenges facing Longmeadow as a community?

It’s no surprise to say that town revenue is the foremost concern and drives many of the other issues facing our town. We are a built-out community with a residential tax base around 95%. This means that there are no obvious growth areas, and we can’t rely on forms of revenue other than property taxation for our budget. We can’t raise taxes too much both under state law and because residents don’t want to feel squeezed. This revenue shortfall leads to many challenges. The top challenges include the following:

- Many of our roads are in abysmal shape, and there is little room in the budget for paving. The state Chapter 90 money barely makes a dent in what we need to do.

-Our water and sewer system is, in many places, approaching 100 years old. We will continue to have water main breaks and sewer collapses, at great expense, unless we take proactive action.

-For a town that prides itself on green spaces, we are in danger of losing a great number of our trees. We need to care for our existing trees and plant new ones every year to give them time to grow before we lose our existing cover.

-Many of our town facilities are in need of repair. Town offices are being temporarily moved to Greenwood, which will give us the chance to do some important updating at our town hall and community house, although it will be challenging to find the money to do so.

-The Eversource pipeline is an issue about which many residents are concerned. This redundant project, if approved, is not only an environmental and safety risk, it will also be a massive drain on our resources.

-Finally, through my work on the Middle School Building Committee, it is clear to me that our middle schools are not serving our student population as well as we would like. Middle school students are at such an important transitional age and we need to provide a resilient, effective, and safe place for them to grow.

How would you propose to resolve the top 3 issues?

-As for revenue, our current tax base can only handle so much. There is very little space to build in Longmeadow. I am hopeful that senior housing will be considered by owners of available space. This would allow our tax base to grow without causing undue burden on our schools.

We also are coming up on a unique opportunity with the middle school project. If we do consolidate to one school, we will have a parcel available to create revenue for the town. I don’t know in what form that will be, but I’m excited to work on the problem.

We also need to continue to put pressure on our state officials to find funding for Western Mass and Longmeadow in particular. We have done a fantastic job of finding grants for projects in town, but there should be more available to us.

-The pipeline issue is currently in a holding pattern while we wait for the state to take up the matter, but Town Meeting has fully funded the attorney and consultants guiding us through the process. This could heat up at any moment and I hope to be on SB to contribute when it does.

-The middle school process is proceeding apace and it will be up for a vote at Town Meeting before we know it. I think updating our middle schools is incredibly important. Longmeadow is known across the state for its schools and that is what makes our town desirable. A state-of-the-art middle school will show everyone that we are committed to providing our kids the best education possible.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my answers and I ask for your vote again on June 11th.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Peterson announces candidacy for Select Board in June election

This information published by Reminder Publications on March 21 was submitted to the LongmeadowBuzz blog by Leah Peterson who is running as a candidate for Select Board in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on Tuesday, June 11.


Leah Peterson

Leah Peterson recently announced candidacy for a seat on the Longmeadow Select Board in the town election to take place on June 11. 

Peterson stated she seeks to represent the multi-generational needs of Longmeadow residents and give back to the community where she grew up. She attended the Longmeadow public schools and was captain of the Longmeadow High School girls track and field team. After college and living abroad, she returned to Longmeadow ten years ago, began working for MassMutual, and received her master of business administration degree from Bay Path University. She currently works as an executive for another financial services firm and her professional experience has been focused on leadership of multi-million dollar technology and business transformations, mergers and acquisitions, and strategy development.  

“I enjoy having a career that exposes me to so many different challenges, I get to collaborate and learn about new viewpoints every day,” Peterson said. She noted she is especially excited about how her work developing environmental stewardship strategies can inform her role on the Select Board and help ensure that the town is climate-conscious in all its decisions. 

As a mom of pre-school aged children, Peterson is vested in many of the issues facing the town. “Last year I was proud to support the Americans with Disabilities Act improvements for our elementary school playgrounds, because in a town like Longmeadow, we should be delivering a world class education and opportunities to thrive for every single one of our children. Looking ahead, my children will attend the new middle school, and as we face enormous decisions about funding, school location and possible consolidation, we need leaders who will be directly impacted by these decisions.”

Peterson’s parents still reside in her childhood home, and she supports policies that will make it more affordable for seniors to remain in Longmeadow. “Many in our community, including my parents, have called Longmeadow home for decades. Living on a fixed income during retirement can pose a challenge for folks who want to stay in the town where they built their lives.”

Peterson added, “Longmeadow is a truly unique community that has so much to offer its residents at every stage of life. I want to preserve the town’s special charm and believe that long-term planning and strategic financial management are essential to maintaining the services we enjoy for future generations. But I also know that we cannot continue to kick the can down the road on important decisions and we need to address our financial situation with honesty and creativity.” 

Beyond the dedication to her town and desire to represent the three-generations of her family who live here, Peterson is motivated to run because she believes we need different voices at the table. If elected, she would be the only woman on the Longmeadow Select Board. “My first job was a paper route delivering copies of The Reminder to the neighborhoods around Glenbrook. There are so many different roles for all of us to play in making our community better. I am excited to step into this new role on the Select Board and give back to the community that made me.”

Sunday, March 17, 2024

ICYMI- Andrew Lam Announces Run for Longmeadow Select Board

This information originally published by Reminder Publications on February 29 was submitted to the LongmeadowBuzz blog by Dr. Andrew Lam who is running as a candidate for Select Board in the upcoming Longmeadow Annual Town Elections on Tuesday, June 11.

[click image to large]
reprinted courtesy of Reminder Publications