LongmeadowBuzz is an open forum for publicizing and discussion of local topics of interest to the residents of Longmeadow, Massachusetts. If someone is interested in contributing an article to the forum, simply send the information (including any photos, links to YouTube videos, etc.) to LongmeadowBuzz@comcast.net. Please include your name and address since we are limiting participation to Longmeadow residents. Let us know if wish your name/ address to be included with the posting. We are discouraging anonymous postings since we want this venue to be like a web based "letter to the editor".
Anyone can post a comment to a posting but we disencourage anonymous entries. All comments on this forum are moderated to eliminate objectionable content.
The LongmeadowBuzz blog is not supported financially or in any other manner and all opinions are strictly those of the listed author and do not represent official town policy.
Send any questions or other inquiries to LongmeadowBuzz@comcast.net.
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