Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Select Board Holiday Dance

The Longmeadow Buzz blog has been following the actions of the Longmeadow Select Board on Monday nights for quite some time and the proceedings can sometimes be pretty entertaining as well as informative.

The LongmeadowBuzz provides town residents with information that is not normally found in the Springfield Republican or the Longmeadow News.  Not just opinion but background information and facts so that the reader can make up their own mind about the subject.

The LongmeadowBuzz blog is also not intended to be "one man's opinion" so other postings are always welcome as long as the author identifies himself.

The year ahead looks pretty challenging for the Select Board with the following items on the 2011 agenda:
  • another difficult budget year with significant state aid reductions, loss of federal stimulus money
  • new teacher contract negotiations
  • unsettled current contracts for firefighters and police officers
  • new photovoltaic solar energy facility project
  • consolidation of town's  IT department under the auspices of the School Department
    (Hopefully, the transition will be faster and more successful than the 6 year old town wide maintenance dept consolidation)
  • revamping and updating of the town website- http://www.longmeadow.org/
Stay tuned...I will continue to watch and comment on the actions of the Select Board.

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