Over the
past year, town residents have seen a town manager search that started too
slowly and took too long; the result was that it took 18 months to replace
Robin Crosbie after she gave her notice.
The vacancy for the director of Adult Center was not posted for five
months, and that position went unfilled for most of the year. The Maple Road paving project started too
late, it took too long, and the result was a big mess and wasted tax dollars. And the year culminated with the overwhelming
rejection of the Select Board's budget at Town Meeting.
If that
track record counts as success, then town residents would hate to see
failure. The current lineup on the
Select Board is out of step with what the people of Longmeadow want to see in
their town government. The dysfunction
on the Select Board can be traced to the disconnect that exists between the
voters and the board.
A symptom
of that disconnect is the overwhelming percentage of men–80%–on our appointed
boards. The Finance Committee has no
female members, and it hasn't included a woman since 2009. We are clearly not utilizing all of the
talent that exists in Longmeadow. If
elected, I will have no higher priority than to reach out to talented people
who have not served before to fill the vacancies that exist on our appointed
Keeping the
same group in power in times of good performance and bad means that we keep
having the same conversations over and over.
The same issues repeat.
Politicians try to divide residents over town vs. school. We hear clarion calls of crisis over the
state of the town's infrastructure by the same politicians who presided over
the making of that crisis. We hear startling
figures of $140 million and $180 million for capital spending, and there is no
long term capital plan, and apparently, no desire to produce one.
It is said
that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting a different result. If we
return the same group on the Select Board, if we maintain the status quo, we
can expect the same conversations during the next year, and we can expect the
same results.
Some of the
dysfunction on the Select Board can be traced simply to rigidity. What sense did it make to only make
appointments once per year when there were both qualified and interested
applicants and vacancies at other times of the year? What sense did it make for the Select Board to meet this year on
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a step strongly discouraged by the Attorney
General in her guidance on the state's open meeting laws? What sense did it make to not televise many
of the meetings?
In my
professional life, I have worked at a corporate law firm in Boston, and I have
been a federal prosecutor for nearly 15 years both here and in Washington,
DC. I can recognize when government is
working well and when it is not. I also
understand the meaning of public service.
A member of the Select Board, above all, serves the public. Questions, comments, and concerns from town
residents are not impediments to getting things done on the Select Board. The input of town residents is not an
annoyance. That interaction is an
essential part of the job, and indeed, the most important part of the job.
The Select
Board cannot, under our Town Charter, go it alone. Our form of direct democracy requires engagement with voters
because they have the final say. The
Select Board also needs to work collaboratively with the School Committee and
our other boards, just as our interim town manager suggested we should do in
coming up with a capital plan.
The genius
of our form of government is its capacity for change. We are not doomed to stagnation because the opportunity for new
ideas and fresh perspectives exists so long as we have elections and people are
willing to serve. I am willing to
serve, and I am ready to listen and to communicate with voters in a way that no
Select Board member has done in the recent past. Together we can make a change on June 11.
My email address is alex.grant68@yahoo.com.
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